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    The only way to simultaneously reach a large number of people is through bulk SMS. The only medium on the market that enables a firm to instantly reach thousands or more than a million clients is bulk SMS. Without a doubt, it is the effective standard of communication that has extremely affordable pricing. An economical marketing strategy that can yield great response rates at a very low cost if implemented properly with the right SMS partner.

    1) Unlimited Validity
    2) Instant Delivery report.
    3) An effective API to easily integrate with your software or business application.
    4) Avails Sender ID’s.
    5) Upload Bulk Contacts via Excel sheets.
    6) Exclusive Algorithm for faster delivery of Bulk SMS.
    7) Provides SMS Marketing services in most affordable price.
    8) Dynamic Messaging.

    Do Not Disturb is referred to as DND. Commercial SMS cannot be sent to registered DND phones, as per TRAI’s legal norms and regulations. As a result, there are two different sorts of routes offered by Bulk SMS India. DND with Filtering – In this route, the SMS is filtered in real time and isn’t sent to any of the DND numbers that have been registered. DND without Filtering – In this case, DND numbers will get the transmitted SMS. SMS filtering is not possible using this channel.
    The header of the SMS contains the sender ID. It can have a maximum of 6 characters and be alphanumeric. For example, HDFCBNK
    Sender Id approval with DND Filtering can take up to 10 minutes. After the reviewed ndnd frame is submitted and authorised, it takes at most an hour for Sender Id without DND Filtering to be approved.
    You will instantly receive a SMS notification after the sender id is approved. You can begin sending SMS immediately with that sender id.
    The users of bulk SMS use it to communicate with their customers and further their company objectives. The distinction between an end user and a reseller is pretty straightforward. End users utilise bulk SMS services for their own purposes, and resellers are those who purchase bulk SMS services from service providers and resell them to additional users. Between the bulk SMS service provider and the end user, the reseller acts as an intermediary.
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